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Ing. Karel Hirman

Ing. Karel Hirman

Minister of Economy of the Slovak Republic

Electronic Services Portal of the Ministry of Economy of the SR
More services
Portl ES MH SR
Information on entrepreneurship support opportunities
SBA provides information on entrepreneurship support opportunities in Slovakia for SMEs.
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Portl ES MH SR
Receiving reports from operators involved in placing of scheduled substances on the market
MoE SR allows operators participating in the marketing of a scheduled substances to submit the Report on the marketing of a scheduled substance.
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Portl ES MH SR
Consultancy on cooperation establishment for SMEs with partners
SBA provides consultancy and other services aimed at the promotion of international cooperation of SMEs through the Enterprise Europe Network.
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Portl ES MH SR
Consultancy and education for potential and existing entrepreneurs
SBA provides informational and professional consultancy services and education at regional level for potential and existing entrepreneurs.
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Portl ES MH SR
Provision of specialized consultancy for SMEs
SBA provides interactive specialized consultancy service for SMEs.
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Portl ES MH SR
Provision of general consultancy for SMEs
SBA provides interactive general consultancy service for SMEs.
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Portl ES MH SR
Registration for events organized by the Slovak Business Agency
SBA organizes events focused at SME entrepreneurship and also provides the option to register for these events.
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Portl ES MH SR
Individual consultancy services for investors on investing in the SR
SARIO provides individual consultancy services on investing in Slovakia for new, in Slovakia not currently established investors.
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Portl ES MH SR
Aftercare investment support services
SARIO provides individual consultancy services on implementation of investment activities in Slovakia for already established investors in Slovakia.
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Portl ES MH SR
Supporting entrepreneurs in finding foreign partners
SARIO provides support to entrepreneurs in finding foreign partners.
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Portl ES MH SR
Registration in the Catalogue of Cooperation Activities (KATKA)
SARIO provides Slovak entrepreneurs with the opportunity to present themselves in the Catalogue of Cooperation Activities.
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Portl ES MH SR
Registration for SARIO and MoE SR events
SARIO and MoE SR organize various events for entrepreneurs in order to enhance cooperation with foreign investors and also provide the option to register for these events.
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Portl ES MH SR
Provision of services for cross-border transfer license holders
MoE SR allows license holders to submit the Report on the use of their specific products trading license or the Notification of transfer or export failure.
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Portl ES MH SR
Provision of the End use of specific products certificate
MoE SR allows you to request for the Confirmation of the End-user Certificate.
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Portl ES MH SR
Certification of compliance of the investment project with the Energy policy long-term concept
MoE SR allows you to submit applications for issuing of the Certificate for construction of an energy facility or the Certificate for construction of an energy facility with combined production of electricity and heat.
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Portl ES MH SR
Certification of conformity of the development of the system of thermal installations in preparation or a part thereof with the Energy policy long-term concept
MoE SR allows you to submit an application for issuing of the Certificate of conformity for development of the system of thermal installations or a part thereof with the Energy policy of the Slovak Republic.
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Portl ES MH SR
Licensing of cross-border transfer of specific products
MoE SR allows you to submit applications for issuing of the License for marketing of specific products and of the Authorization for transfer of explosives within the EU.
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Portl ES MH SR
Issuing of import certificates for import licenses
MoE SR allows you to request for the confirmation of End use of specific products certificate.
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Portl ES MH SR
Issuing of confirmations of entry into the list of energy auditors
MoE SR allows energy auditors to submit a request for the Confirmation of their entry into the List of energy auditors.
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Portl ES MH SR
Information on activities and outputs of the Ministry of Economy of the Slovak Republic
MoE SR publishes information on its activities and outputs and allows you to submit an application for disclosure of information.
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Portl ES MH SR
Information on certification criteria ensuring compliance with the Energy policy long-term concept
MoE SR provides information on current certification criteria for ensuring compliance with the Energy policy long-term concept of the Slovak Republic.
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Portl ES MH SR
Information for providers, recipients of services and consumers on their rights and obligations in electronic commerce and in sale of goods or provision of services under remote contracts or contracts executed outside the business premises of the seller
MoE SR provides information on rights and obligations in electronic commerce and on the protection of consumers in sale of goods or provision of services under remote contracts or contracts executed outside the business premises of the seller.
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Portl ES MH SR
Information on cooperation opportunities for SMEs with partners
SBA publishes information on cooperation opportunities for SMEs with partners.
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Portl ES MH SR
Publishing the list of energy auditors
Badinský Stanislav
Hiľovský Jozef
Chovančeková Nikola
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Portl ES MH SR
Information on international tenders
SARIO publishes information on international tenders and also provides the option to request additional information on selected tenders.
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Portl ES MH SR
Information on business environment in Slovakia and on regional and selected sectorial analyses
SARIO informs investors on business environment in Slovakia including selected sectorial and regional analyses.
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Portl ES MH SR
Information on business missions and fairs
SARIO and MoE SR publish information about upcoming business missions and trade fairs that they organize.
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Portl ES MH SR
Publishing the list of certificates of compliance with the Energy policy long-term concept
Martinská teplárenská, a.s.
Západoslovenská distribučná, a.s.
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Portl ES MH SR
Information on the possibilities and advantages of investing in Slovakia
Why Slovakia
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Portl ES MH SR
Real estate offers for investor
SARIO prepares customized real estate offer for potential investor on request.
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Portl ES MH SR
Information on available real estate and industrial parks for investors
Partizánske Trenčiansky kraj
Topoľčany Nitriansky kraj
Kostolné Kračany Trnavský kraj
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Portl ES MH SR
Provision of micro-loans
SBA provides micro-loan services for micro and small enterprises for maintaining employment and creating new job opportunities.
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Portl ES MH SR
Provision of non-repayable contributions for SME education
SBA provides non-repayable financial contributions for SME education with the purpose to enhance the knowledge potential of SMEs.
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Portl ES MH SR
Provision of financial contributions for the operation of incubators and provision of subsidies under the scope of the MoE SR
Výzva na predkladanie žiadostí o poskytnutie dotácie na podporu rozvoja priemyselnej výroby a služieb v roku 2018
Výzva na predkladanie žiadostí o poskytnutie dotácie na podporu rozvoja priemyselnej výroby a služieb v roku 2019
Výzva na predkladanie žiadostí o poskytnutie dotácií na publikačnú činnosť s banskou tematikou, údržbu a rekonštrukciu banských pamiatok, náučných banských chodníkov a prezentáciu banských tradícií
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Portl ES MH SR
Education services for exporters
SARIO organizes specific trainings and seminars for exporters and also provides the option to register for these events.
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Portl ES MH SR
Information for exporters
SARIO provides exporters with information on export promotion and on new business trends.
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Portl ES MH SR
Registration of available real estate into the database
SARIO provides real estate owners with the opportunity to register their real estate into the Real Estate Database.
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Portl ES MH SR
Information on SARIO investment seminars and events
SARIO publishes information on investment seminars and trade development events held abroad.
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Ministry of Economy of the Slovak Republic
Mlynské nivy 44/A
827 15 Bratislava 212
IČO: 00686832
00421 2 4854 1111