About Ministry
Responsibilities and Competences of the Ministry of Economy of the Slovak Republic
pursuant to § of Act No. 575/2001 Coll. on the organisation of the Government activities and on the organisation of central state administration in text later acts
The Ministry of Economy of the Slovak Republic is a central body of state administration of the Slovak Republic for:
- industry with the exception wood processing, biotechnologies, food industry and construction products,
- power engineering inclusive nuclear fuel management and storage of nuclear waste and power effectiveness,
- heat and gas manufacture,
- exploitation and treatment of solid fuels, exploitation of oil and natural gas, exploitation of ore and non-metallic resources and searching, survey and exploitation of radioactive materials,
- support of small and medium-size businesses inclusive support of food products, which they are not arrangement to additions I of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union and support of wood processing and biotechnologies,
- policy related to creation of business environment and support of business environment, inclusive support of food business environment, whose products they are not arrangement to additions I of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union and business environment in areas wood processing and biotechnologies,
- domestic trade, foreign trade inclusive trade with military material and creation external commercial policy, consumer protection with the exception consumer protection by return financial services and coordination policy of internal market European Union,
- protection and the use of mineral resources inclusive chief supervision of protection and the use of mineral deposits,
- chief supervision of health and safety protection at work and safety running in mining, in activities performed in productive mine and at the use of explosives,
- hallmarking and precious stones testing,
- inspection of a ban on development, manufacture, storage, the use and trade with chemical weapons and precursors required for manufacturing them,
- management of duties in economic mobilization,
- privatization of state property and for administration of state property in business environment
- strategie of creation and realisation innovation in areas under letters a) to d).
The Ministry is ruled by the Minister who is responsible for its running.
The Minister is represented during his absence to the extent of his rights and liabilities by the State Secretary (Vice-Minister). Minister may grant power to the State Secretary to represent him to the extent of Minister's rights and liabilities also under other circumstances. The State Secretary are appointed and dismissed by the Government of the Slovak Republic based on a motion of respective ministers.
The Ministry is an official civil service authority pursuant to § 9 par. 1, letter a) of the Act No. 400/2009 Coll. on Civil Service. Responsibilities related to implementation of civil servant relations and organizational management of the Ministry running as a civil service office are performed by the Head of Civil Service Office, who is concurrently the chief civil servant officer. He is appointed and dismissed by Government of the Slovak Republic.
The Ministry of Economy of the Slovak Republic contributes to creation of the unified state policy of the Slovak Republic, to the extent of its responsibilities and competences it exercises state administration and fulfils further tasks stipulated in laws and other generally binding legal regulations. To the extent of its defined responsibilities and competences, the Ministry is also liable for defence issues and formation of conditions favourable for implementation of requirements for ensuring the preparations for defence and security. To the extent of its defined competences, the Ministry is also responsible to covenant the international agreements and treaties, to develop bilateral contacts and relations between the countries and international co-operation inclusive the tasks resulting for the Slovak Republic from both the international treaties and conventions and its membership in the international organizations. The Ministry inspects the issues in the matters subjected to the extent of its competences, it analyses the achievements and results and takes the measures to solve the topical issues. It processes the concepts aimed at development of tasks it is entrusted with and at solving the fundamental issues to be submitted to the Government of the Slovak Republic. It exercises due diligence in legal matters subjected to the extent of its competence, it develops the Bills and drafts of other general binding legal regulations, it takes care of complying with lawfulness to the extent of its competences.