Časový harmonogram


Timeline for programming
25-26 June
PC00 established programming committee and discussed strategic orientation of next programme
29-30 November 2012 PC01 discussed programme vision, mission statement and first input on the thematic objectives of the programme
27-28 February 2013 PC02 further discussion on selecting programme thematic objectives, examination of programme intervention logic, and decision that Nord-Pas de Calais Region would remain Managing Authority for 2014-2020.
25-26 April
PC03 principle agreement to select four thematic objectives: Research, Technological Development and Innovation (TO1), Competitiveness of Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises (TO2), Low Carbon Economy (TO4), Environment and Resource Efficiency (TO6) as the focus of interregional cooperation; discussion on the form the programme implementation would take.
26-27 June
PC04 Operational programme first draft presented, investment priorities within each thematic objective selected, further development of programme delivery mechanisms (projects, policy learning platforms).
24-26 September 2013 PC05 Operational programme second draft presented, detailed development of how programme objectives would be achieved through interregional cooperation projects and policy learning platforms, budget allocation among thematic objectives and co-financing rates for projects decided. Agreement to call the programme ‘INTERREG EUROPE’.
9-11 December 2013 PC06 Operational programme final draft presented, further details on programme delivery discussed.
5-6 March 2014 PC07 Technical assistance and partner state agreement discussed.
6-7 May 2014 PC08 Further on technical assistance, including contact point financing; also on the results of stakeholder consultation on SEA and cooperation programme
18-19 June 2014 PC09 On projects and platform set-up; on involvement of MAs of Growth and Jobs programmes
July 2014 (provisional)   Cooperation programme and SEA submitted to EC
15-16 October 2014 PC10 On communication strategy; programme manual; terms of reference for the first call for project proposals; application form; financial arrangements and subsidy contract
2-3 December 2014   Interregional cooperation forum/ Launch of INTERREG EUROPE
4 December 2014 PC11 On rules of procedure and further elaboration of the programme documents
10-11 February 2015 PC12 On the application pack, platforms, RoP, ToR first call, financial arrangements and communication strategy
Spring 2015   First call for proposals


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